BestWest provides roof repair and maintenance services.

Regular roof maintenance programs prevent potential failures and costly interior repairs down the road. Some causes of commercial and residential roof malfunctions include the age of the roof, extreme weather patterns with ice, heavy rain, high winds and heavy snow, as well as clogged gutters, animal traffic, fires, unexpected damage from falling trees. One contributing cause, however, lack of proper maintenance, is within our control. BestWest Group provides the most cost-effective repair and maintenance solutions to prolong the life of your roof.

Indications that your roof may need repair:
  • Water-stains on the interior walls or ceiling
  • Displaced roof debris such as shingles and nails on the ground after heavy winds
  • Overflowing gutters or water coming down from areas other than the drain pipes
  • The presence of wildlife who you suspect may have found shelter within your roof
Why is a regular maintenance program important?
  • Reduces unexpected roof-related emergencies and costly interior repairs
  • Prolongs the lifespan of your roof
  • Helps to uphold the value of your property
  • Maintains compliance with some material warranties
Regular maintenance and repair scopes of work include:
  • Annual roof inspections
  • Roof and gutter cleaning
  • Ventilation checks
  • Patchwork
  • Flashing and accessory repair