We specialize in commercial and residential flat roofs.

BestWest Group specializes in the replacement of commercial flat roofs including warehouses, factories, retail stores, and apartment buildings. We also install flat roof systems on residential dwellings. Since Vancouver’s climate is very wet, we use only the highest quality, longest lasting, most tried and tested flat roof systems on the market. For this reason, we exclusively use torch-on and other SBS products for our water-proofing applications.

Depending on the specific application, flat roofing and waterproofing systems can be relatively complex and be composed of several layers. Systems often include insulation packages, and or additional protective layers to accommodate paving stones, or green roof systems.

Typical flat roofing and water-proofing systems include:
  • Commercial and residential flat roofing
  • Patio and sundeck waterproofing
  • Concrete and parkade waterproofing
Why we exclusively use torch-on and other SBS products?

SBS systems can last 30 years or more when properly installed. Slightly more expensive than other roof types, they are unmatched in quality and long-term value. SBS membranes are superior because they have several redundant layers. These layers create an impermeable membrane resistant to moisture from rain, snow, and even standing water caused by extreme weather and drain blockages. SBS membranes are also relatively easy to repair and maintain.

Conventional “water-proofing” applications include:
  • Vapour barriers
  • Rigid insulation boards
  • Protection boards
  • SBS membranes
  • Slip sheets and other protective layers
  • Paving stones
  • Green roofs